Saturday, September 10, 2011

歌ってみた Album Review - HoneyWorks + COLOUR

Another review for 歌ってみた albums (anyway, the albums I reviewed aren't really new, I know). This time I'll give some words for HoneyWorks album. The only reason I downloaded it because there's Wotamin~ *A* Okay, okay. Here're the reviews;

1. 泣キ虫カレシ (Wataame ft. Inakamono)
This is the first time I heard voices of theirs. Wataame sounds really mature, so does Inakamono. But Inakamono's voice sometimes is difficult to listen because of his volume. Well, he doesn't really force his voice for the high note thou.

2. スキキライ (Limone-sensei ft. Kogeinu)
.. Two guys are singing this. Probably a little piece of heaven for fujoshi out there .__. Anyway, I'm clueless which one is Limone and Kogeinu. To be honest, I never listened to their voices (like Wataame and Inakamono). Well, in Suji Chigai as reference (Kogeinu ft. Faneru), I think Kogeinu takes Rin's part. The song sounds so playful. Yeah, sometimes you'll hear funny words (not the words that are funny, but the way they say them). They both sound like they sing freely, without any problems.

3. パジャマっ子☆ (Wotamin)
Yay for Wotamin! Her voice is really high here o__o It of course is difficult to reach Rin's high note. Wotamin must be really tired after singing with that note for minutes, yet her voice is still enjoyable \^o^/ To be specific, her voice is "weighty" as usual. Yep, pressure.

The last track you'll find in this album is.. more likely an interview. I don't understand Japanese, so I'll skip it.

Anyway, because HoneyWorks album only contains three songs, I'll add with .5 (Point Five)'s 3rd album, COLOUR. Yeah, I downloaded it because there're clear and amu *A* I'm also kinda familiar with Dasoku and Mii-chan (sorry Asamaru v.v), so I think I can describe their voices in each songs.

1. COLOUR (All members)
I feel no special at first time listening this song. But then I keep replaying it. The mixing of their voice is done well. If only I don't watch the PV for this album (yep, you can download the PV for this song in the album) I won't know which one sings which part. Anyway, the beat is nice. You can tap your feet while listening to this.

2. Holography (amu・蛇足・みーちゃん)
Nice GUMI's rock song, sung by nice rock vocals. amu's high voice, Dasoku's heavy voice and Mii-chan's voice in between. Rockers should be amazed by this.

3. ポラリス (あさまる・clear)
Yep, I never heard Asamaru before. But who guessed that he'll sound good dueting with clear? Even I can't really tell which clear's and Asamaru's. Both of them have soft and transparent (?) voices. Wait--is Asamaru's voice a little bit higher than clear's? Um.. I have to make it sure later =A=" Anyway, this slow-flowing song can be listened when you want to go to sleep. There're some beats but it's easy to listen.

The three other tracks are the instrumental for all three songs above. A nice bonus for you if you want to cover them, isn't it?

Song of the day; I just want to promote show a cover by my friends. They sound good as a duet :3


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