Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Burnt Cookies; AARGH!!

No, I didn't make cookies yesterday. But two days before today. Yep. Cookies. I made some cream scones before I helped my mom with her pineapple jam-filling cookies and cashew-and-cornflakes cookies. Almost half of our cookies are burnt. Especially my cream scones. About 2/3 of total are burnt. Oh well. My mom sprinkled some powder sugar on the scones, and it tastes delicious--a bit. Guess it'll be better if I dip the scones in melted chocolate. But maybe next time.

After I'm done with the scones, I helped my mom with the pineapple jam-filling cookies first. The jam was handmade. Our maid made it before. And of course it's not as smooth as the canned pineapple jam. I don't really like pineapple jam, so I don't want the cookies as well.

After that, I helped my mom with the cashew-and-cornflakes cookies. My lil sis and I mixed the butter and the sugar. Like usual, my lil sis did it with her own way. Like, moved the hand-mixer forward and backward or right and left. I shouted at her to move it in circle, and she just stopped and didn't move the hand-mixer. Oh well. We laughed all the time. When my mom done with the cashew, I mix both the mixed butter and the cashew by hand. The mixed butter was so... soft... It could be the softest thing I've ever touch (okay, stop).

And like usual either, some of those crunchy cookies are burnt. But you know, when our maid baked the cookies, once the... oven? No, the stove. The stove on the upside was covered with crystal glass (I don't know what its name but it is the same kind of glass with the glass in cars' windows). Suddenly, the glass broke. Not all of the glass, but the.. tip of each side. I didn't there when the glass broke, but it must be an awesome view when you see a glass that broke by itself. My mom said it's because overheat. Well yeah, we baked the cookies with two ovens at once. And both ovens used the stove for the heat.

Okay, that's all. I'm not really on a good mood to write. Just want to remind the.. erm.. "sweet" memories with cookies.

Song of the day; I already listened to this song before I know the PV.


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