Wednesday, August 17, 2011

clear's Unofficial English Fansite!

You can tell that I'm totally onto utattemita right now, yep, you're right. I'm addicted to download their albums, especially clear's. My love is growing, lol. I already have his Dearest, Dearest II, and his album featuring Nero; Second Impact. And now I'm downloading his First Contact. Yeah, kinda reversed with the 2nd Impact actually but I found the 2nd Impact first. I knew that there must be the "First" album.

Unfortunately, the blog where I start download utattemita album seems to be down. I don't know why; if it's my internet problem or the owner really did close her blog. Aw.. There're lots of albums that I want to download after download clear's.. Like amu's, ASK's, and other compilation albums. At least if the owner wants to leave badly, just let her blog stays like before :(

Monday, August 15, 2011


This post may contain super-random topics. Beware!

My, my, I realized that I haven't posted anything in months. Okay, I have my new high school and it steals most of my time with homework, competitions on August, and other stuff. Anyway, I'm still trying to adapt with my new class and friends. You should know that I'm not good at socializing..

Now I'm kinda Utattemita's addict. I don't know how; I just random clicked utattemita's videos in Youtube and start liking it. Okay, maybe the first song I listened from utattemita is IMITATION BLACK by Dasoku, clear and Valshe. It's so..... NNGH! (well yes, I don't know how to put it into words) Then I searched more for clear's other songs--I didn't know which clear's part in IMITATION BLACK is, I just think he'll sound awesome because he has cool name (?). And yeah, I was right. Until now, I'm still supporting clear x wotamin's duet.